IAS Exam Pattern

IAS Entrance Exam the toughest exam amongst all competitive exams is held by UPSC every year. This article will provide the complete detail regarding the exam pattern of IAS exam 2017 and the right scheme to clear the exam.

For IAS Exam there are three stages namely

  • Stage 1: Preliminary Examination
  • Stage 2: Main Examination
  • Stage 3: Personality Test/Interview.

Every year lakhs of aspirants fill the application for IAS exam and only handful of the aspirants are able to get through this exam. As IAS is not everybody’s cup of tea. Right planning and strategy will help clear IAS exam. Many aspirants join coaching institutes to get the input of the exam pattern and the study material as they are not aware of the exam subjects of IAS exam.

Ias puju

IAS Preliminary Exam Pattern-2017

Prelim exam questions are of objective type or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). ‘Negative Marking’ is applicable in the IAS prelims exam for each incorrect answer.  The IAS Prelims is conducted just to screen the aspirants on the basic knowledge.


The Negative Marking of 0.66 i.e. 1/3rd of allotted marks. In CSAT exam which is of qualifying in nature. Candidates need to qualify that exam with minimum of 33 percent to qualify to the next stage of the exam i.e. Civil Services Mains. Both Paper 1 and Paper II are compulsory. Marks of Prelims are not counted in the final examination. Blind candidates are given an extra time of 20 minutes for each paper in the prelims exam.

Exam Pattern for Mains:

IAS exam second stage is called as the Main Exam, which is a written examination and comprises of 9 papers. The 9 papers are as following Paper-A (Compulsory Indian Language); Paper –B (English) are qualifying in nature, while the other papers like Essay, General Studies Paper I, II, III, and IV, and Optional Paper I and II are considered for the final ranking.


Pattern for Personality test/Interview:

The candidate who qualify prelims and mains exam are qualified for the Personality test/ Interview are sent with e-summon by the commission to have face to face discussion.  In this round the members will assess the personality traits of the candidates and questions asked in this round are primarily relates to current affairs, general knowledge, hobbies and situational questions etc.  After 2 weeks of Mains result schedule is out and candidates are called for the interview. The Interviews lasts for around 40 days. Total marks for Interview is 275 marks.

Selection Criteria for IAS exam 

Selection criteria are based on final ranking in Main examination (1750) and in personality test/ interview (275). After the candidate’s meet qualification criteria in Mains and Personality test the verification of the records are done.

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There are many coaching institutes that are preparing the candidates for written exams as well as for the interview also. Coaching institutes provide and teaches the candidate with the best strategy to clear the exam. All the study material are being provided to the candidates by these institutes.

If you are aspiring to become IAS  officer follow the eligibility criteria and be determined for the preparation. No one can stop the way of your success if you are passionate to get the position.

What is the Best Institute for CA CPT Exam Preparation in Chandigarh

The Finance and Account discipline is the maximum selection of people of India. The requirements of Masters with degree from a seemed Institution of are very high. CA CPT Examination is the entrance to the Chartered Accountant, which is turned into the fascination for the youngsters. In CA, profession turns into a reason for intelligent and sharp minded quality. There are various obstacles additionally you have an opportunity to enhance your abilities. CA is designation typically proves the holder has the qualifications to audit financial statements and commercial enterprise practices in addition to provide advisory services to clients.

 This examination is very tough to pass because it includes extra math and data analyzing subjects. These subjects are so tough   to apprehend even for few of the intelligent students. Anybody clear this exam with high grade via proper coaching.  We are offering CA CPT Coaching in Chandigarh for each and every individual to help them gain their dream process.

Elementary classroom

Best CA CPT Coaching in Chandigarh is only the Delhi Career Group. It is the great coaching Institute in Chandigarh for CACPT Entrance Exam. Delhi Career Group provides best faculty members. Faculty members posses tremendous conceptual readability, experienced and well managed .they all assist the applicant to complete your whole syllabus and to remedy every and each doubt inside the thought of the candidate.

Also Read: Is there Any Online App for CA CPT Exam Preparation?

Preparation Center for CA CPT Exam in Chandigarh is Delhi Career Group aims to imparting quality education  to all those as who join the institute the crack the CACPT Entrance Exam  confidently  and successfully. Delhi Career Group has come to be recognized over the years as a distinguished name in the field of best coaching for the CA CPT Entrance Exam.

Our unique mythologies raise the candidate confidence level and also make them able to crack the CA CPT examination. Our aim of CA CPT Coaching in Chandigarh is motivate our student and develop their knowledge to achieve their destiny. Delhi Career Group helps the student to crack the exam with exam with offering doubt solving session Apart from the books, study material, classroom lectures and individual doubt solving sessions; we also provide computerized notes by the best professors on different topics in various subjects for students seeking a better understanding and effective revision.

 Those candidates want to achieve success in your life if you want the best Career in  Chartered Accountant than you join only Delhi Career Group for better coaching regarding as CA CPT Exam.

Also Read: Is there Any Online App for CA CPT Exam Preparation?

What are the banking and situational based questions asked in IBPS PO interview?

bank-po-coaching-mumbaiIBPS i.e. Institute of banking personnel selection has set criteria for IBPS Bank Exam in two steps  firstly candidate need to appear for common written exam (CWE) and second is Interview. The proportion of Interview and CWE is 20:80.

Aspirants who have successfully cleared IBPS CWE exam are called for interview. In this article we will provide you IBPS Bank Interview questions and basic tips to answer the questions.

Also Read: Top 7 institute for Bank PO Coaching in Chandigarh

In interview certain questions are asked which comprises of the following:

  1. Common questions
  2. Banking
  3. Situation based questions

Common Questions

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. What is your family background?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  1. Why do you want to join banking sector?
  2. Why should we hire you?
  3. What do you know about banking sector and industry?
  • Who is your ideal person?
  • Does anybody from your family serve in banking industry? If yes, how have they motivated you to join banking sector.
  1. What are your future plans?
  2. What are your weak and strong points?

Apart from these questions you can be asked questions related to bank for which you are applying for job. So prepare well for basic questions about that bank.

IBPS Interview Questions related to Banking

Interviewer can check your banking knowledge by asking you questions related to the banking industry. Some of the questions that were asked from the candidates are:

  1. Who is the Governor of RBI?
  2. What is the minimum and maximum period for which a fixed deposit is accepted?
  3. What do you mean by FERA?
  4. What is ECS
  5. Minimum amount for RTGS.
  6. What is crossing of the cheque and its different types?
  7. What do you mean by dividend?
  8. Which act is followed for declaring bank holidays?
  9. Which act is followed for bank regulation and functioning.
  10. What is difference between guarantee and warranty?
  11. What is packing credit advance?
  12. What is IFSC code?
  13. Who can become the natural guardians ?
  14. What are the different schemes initiated by the government to reduce poverty?
  15. What are main features of MNREGA and NREGA?
  16. What is IPO?
  17. What is PIN number and PAN number?
  18. What are the main roles of ECGC?
  19. Which private and public banks are at the top? Name any two.
  20. What do you mean by MSME?
  21. What is repo , bank and reverse repo rate
  22. What is subprime lending.
  23. What is the relevance of Cash ratio and statutory ratio. What is CRR and SLR?
  24. What are instruments of money market.
  25. What are the differences between NEFT and RTGS?

There are numerous other questions that can be asked from these areas. So candidate need to have hold on the banking knowledge to crack this.

Sample Situation based questions

  1. Suppose you are a bank officer, and on one day 10 people visited the branch with different purposes at the same time like maintaining pass book, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, account opening etc. Whom do you prefer and how will you manage them, provided everyone is in a hurry to get their job done?
  2. Recently which gold schemes are launched by government and what are its benefits?

Also Read: Top 7 institute for Bank PO Coaching in Chandigarh

Tips to crack Interview

  1. Read Banking questions and latest newspaper for current affairs questions.
  2. Sit properly with full of confidence in front of examiner. Answer to the point.
  3. Speak smartly is a helpful thing in any field.
  4. Be updated on the GK around you and the popular ones.

I hope you get an idea as to the type of questions that an interviewer can ask you in IBPS interview. Prepare well before you go for an interview.

All the best!!




Career Opportunities in Indian Railway through SCRA Entrance Exam 2017

scra-special001Special Class Railway Apprentice (SCRA) is a platform by which aspirants are selected by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) India, for the recruitment of SCRA in Railway, to train undergraduate program in mechanical engineering at the Indian Railway institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Also Read: Last Minutes Mathematical short cuts for competitive examination

Indian Railways is one of the critical sections of the Indian government, identified for generating plethora of employment possibilities each year in its diverse departments. Millions of students seem to appear for Railway recruitment Board for purchasing jobs in railway in India.

hollo-chandigarhChandigarh is the huge hub for training the cadets for various courses. There are plenty of institutes in Chandigarh that offers Coaching for SCRA Exam 2017. Delhi Career Group is the famous institute that provides coaching for SCRA entrance exam in Chandigarh.  Delhi Career Group trains lots of aspirants in aptitude assessments and conversation competencies as part of making ready for his or her aggressive assessments and interviews.


How to Crack SCRA Written Exam through Coaching?

Coaching plays a vital role for clearing any competitive exam.  There are many institutes that offer coaching. But Delhi Career Group is reliable institute because it had its best result from their past year students. It was established in 2004. Since then we are running our institute but now our institute become first choice by the students to take coaching for different courses from their field. We achieve various awards for giving our best in coaching.

college-classroom1Delhi Career Group provides excellent coaching for various courses. We provide affordable education and fees structure that everyone can afford our institute. We provide you hundred % successes with guarantee. Our route curriculum is ready with the aid of professionals and ensured with the aid of specialists that the course content supplied to the students are the great for the entrance exam.  Delhi Career Group provides you propitious atmosphere to make the learning skill faster or easier.

index2020We provide you deep knowledge and dedicated team of faculty’s members who update you about the exam pattern.  Short notes and other resources related to the exam are provided by us. We prefer small batches for easy ensure personal attention to every candidates. Our mentors will polish your all communication skills and make you capable for the examination.  Our experts take special care of the weaker students through our outreach curriculum. Tips and tracks are also provided for the students to solve the exam in time.

Our professional makes certain the success of each scholar the aggressive by giving full attention to each and every individual.  Our organizations provide morning of as well evening batches. Weekend class especially conducted for the doubt section.





Preparation Books for Recommended CLAT Exam 2017

Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is the most esteemed national level LAW Entrance Exam in the country. It is the common mode of entrance that provides a merit-list of candidates to participating NLUs (National Law Universities) to invite applications for admission in their graduate as postgraduate programmes. At present, there are 17 NLUs which participate and hold this exam on rotation basis.

After completing NLUs (National Law University) students can get job at higher posts like; as Judge, as Lawyer, Legal advisor and so on.

Also Read: How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

CLAT has emerged as one of the most opted entrance exam by students passing out from school these days. It is not an easy one to crack, and therefore, many students even take proper CLAT Exam Coaching for it. They even move out of their cities for doing so. In case of other students who want to study at home than, we are going to suggest some preparation books and some magazines.

CLAT Subjects

  1. English
  2. K And Current Affairs
  3. Mathematics
  4. Legal Reasoning

Recommended CLAT Preparation Books 2017

Here is the list of some good books through which students can learn or prepare for the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) Entrance Exam 2017.  You can buy these books easily in stationery shops or you should buy these books online also.

English preparation books

English is not very hard if you own top reading conduct and a robust vocabulary. You englsh1simply want to construct on basics of Grammar. a few subjects need more particular preparation from CLAT point of view. For that, you might refer to;

  • Word Power Made Easy New Revised & Expanded Edition (English)
    1st Edition by Norman Lewis.
  • Objective General English by R.S Aggarwal.

 For general improvement of English students can concentrate on basic books refer as?

  • Comprehensive Book of English Grammar by B.B. Jain

  • Norman Lewis for vocabulary

  • English is easy by Chetnanand Singh

 General Knowledge and Current Affairs

GK is one section that is taken into consideration one of the toughest sections in any of the tests. It is like an ever expanding ocean and one need to be very specific as to what to go through and what not to undergo.

For study of G.K and current affairs than regular reading of newspaper and magazines is the best way to go. Here are some preparation books;

  • Objective general knowledge by Arihant publications
  • Pearson’s concise GK Manual
  • Manorama year book

CLAT books for Mathematics Paparation

If you have no interest in Maths that don’t worry because only 20 question are asked in CLAT exam. Before searching out shortcuts in books, it’s better to first brush up your primary concepts from one good e-book. After you are assured approximately the basics, you may spend time on some shortcuts or smooth to do not forget formulae and techniques to remedy questions in a quicker manner.

  • Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations (English) 17th Edition By R. S. Aggarwal
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations (English) 4th Edition  By R. S. Aggarwal.

 CLAT Book for Legal Reasoning

This section of CLAT usually a threat factor of CLAT exam.For preparation of this section, you can refer to the following books:


  • Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning by A.P. Bhardwaj.
  • Universal’s LLB Entrance Guide.

CLAT previous Papers and sample papers

Students can refer to some previous year papers for the preparation of CLAT exam and with the help they can understand the format of the CLAT exam. Here is list of some sample papers:

  • CLAT Solved and Practice Papers (English) 1st Edition Author: A. P. Bhardwaj.
  • Chapter-wise Objective Question Bank (With Solution) Law (English) Author: Arihnat Expert.
  • CLAT & AILET Chapter – Wise Solved Papers 2010 – 2014 : 4 Model Papers & 1 Online Mock Test 1st Edition.

Also Read: How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

We hope that these book recommendations could be helpful. If you have any better book instead of these to propose or you had a horrific experience with any of those, so let our readers recognize. You can share your stories inside the comments segment.

6 Powerful NDA Entrance Exam Tips 2017

NDA (National Defence Academy) exam is very common exam done after 12th. All students want to make career in field of NDA because eligibility of job in this stream is more at higher posts like; officers. This exam is conducted twice a year in month of April and August.

But the question raises How to Prepare NDA Exam

Let’s discuss Some Point for the Preparation As Below

Early Study:

Early soon preparation will help the students to crack the exam. Some students start their preparation in 10th standard. Make a schedule for preparing the exam and given enough time for your studies.

If you have to revise entire syllabus than you need to give enough time to review. Than you need to start preceding your studies early before the exam.


If you have been  left with few semesters i.e. 4-5 chapters than it might take 1 week ago before the exam.

You must judge for yourself and know how long it takes time for study. According to that you manage the time for studies.

Give proper rest to your brain while taking full night sleep before exam. So start studying soon because it will help you not to stay up all night.

Re-Read Through Entire Notes:

You must remember what you learned earlier. It is necessary to re-read your notes, so that you should remember the topics and find them easily where it is located. Revision of whole syllabus will aware you about the important information. It will refresh your mind.It will help you to decide for notes that it is sufficient for study.Start with your basic concept and understand the topic. Evaluation it and highlight the titles and subheads.


It’s an awesome place to begin to recognize fundamental thoughts and topics which you need to be mastering from the magnificence

Take Help Of Your Teachers About The Study Material:

Taking help of your faculties is very helpful because it is the right pathway for the guidance. Your teacher’s guide you directly about what topic you will cover in the test, what will not.


Your teacher is not going to tell you what exactly come in the test but they will give you some ideas about the study material that cover in the exam.

Review the Text-book

Re-examine critical picks of the textbook. All the titled sections of the e-book out of your syllabus should be re-examining so that you can pull out crucial records. Whilst you re-read these sections, hold in the thoughts the fundamental concepts that you’re imagined to be studying from those sections of the eBook. Write down vital information as you read.

Observe the bankruptcy titles and segment titles as you read. They are a useless give away to the foremost concepts which can be included in the ones sections.

 Re- Read study guides 

That is mainly beneficial for topics including math. Exercise doing the questions within the e-book which you had been assigned for homework. Do extra questions inside the returned of the e-book. Re-read questions that you acquire incorrect, and attempt to determine out why you acquire them wrong.

Reading on the beach

Do practice questions till you experience more comfortable with subject count.
If you nonetheless have greater time earlier than your Exam, ask for assistance either from a trainer or a friend.

Set Up Your Time

On the day of the exam, set your alarm as a minimum two hours earlier than the take a look at. An hour and a half of earlier than the examination, begin jogging thru all of the topics and sub-topics for your head.


Like usually, check your notes if you get stuck. Use your flashcards to help you commit all of the tiny details to memory if they are no longer already memorized. Stop analyzing at the least 15 minutes-earlier than the exam, but an hour is top-rated. If you’re given your self sufficient time to observe, you ought to experience nicely prepared and comfortable.

Also Read: What is the Maximum and Minimum Height and Weight required for Selection in NDA 2017-18?

So follow above mentioned tips in the preparation of NDA entrance exam. You can also take  admission in any NDA Coaching institute for better guidance about exam.

Which are Best Books For NDA Exam 2017 Prepration

After the release  of NDA Entrance exam 2017 notification  students are searching for good books and other study  material to clear the exam . Now days there are many books published in every year by various authors. But students don’t know which book they prefer for NDA exam studies and which is not. Students have no idea about the books that which is beneficial for NDA exam.  So if you are also in this confusion then no need to worry we are here to guide you about the sequence of different subjects books that will help you in the preparation of NDA exam 2017.

Today we will recommend few subjects books for study at home.  If students follow that books than they will definitely crack the exam.  Here are the important books as mentioned below:

Also Read: 6 Powerful NDA Entrance Exam Tips 2017 Continue reading

How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

CLAT or Common Law Admission Test is taken for providing the opportunity to students to get admissions in India’s top 17 law oriented universities. This exam can let you get admission in most prominent universities of India and have the luxury of studying under the most reputed professionals of law field. Students can take this examination right after they have pass 12th exam and get admission in top rated education centers for law in India. Now you must be thinking about how you can pass this exam and get your desired university for your further law related studies. Here you will find following subjects in this exam which include Mathematics, General Knowledge, English, Logical reasoning, legal aptitude and current affairs. You need to score well in all subjects in order to get passing grades in this entrance exam.

Also Read: Preparation Books for Recommended CLAT Exam 2017

How You Can Prepare Yourself for CLAT Exam 2017

If you are serious about your aim of getting taught in top universities of India then you must go a coaching institute for CLAT Exam.  Delhi Career Group Institute  for CLAT Coaching in Chandigarh can be your first choice if you want a reliable and 100% successive option for passing CLAT Exam. Here you will find the best method of coaching in which you will be given the last year’s exam papers with which you can get aware of pattern of exam and the method to solve it in time. Delhi Career Group is the provider of Best CLAT Coaching in Chandigarh for each and every individual who join their institute. Here you will get the coaching for English, Math, Reasoning and Current Affairs. In English you will be taught all phrases and Grammar which you will need to clear the CLAT Exam and also in Math coaching you will be trained for solving the math question in quick time.


Another plus point is that Delhi Career Coaching will provide you the latest information related to legal reasoning and current affairs which will be helpful in law field. The points that matter the most in clearing the CLAT exam are all taken care for here at Delhi Career Group. So what you need to do is just join the coaching center and measure your growth by yourself. We assure you that you will easily pass the CLAT Exam and get admission in your desired law college or university.

Additionally you can take the self-study method to pass the CLAT Exam but that is for the brilliant students and not everyone is blessed with sheer intelligence that he/she can understand various problems by herself/himself. In fact even brilliant ones can also get the coaching with which they can score even better and Delhi Career Coaching has made it simple and cost effective that anyone can afford this.

Also Read: Preparation Books for Recommended CLAT Exam 2017

So if you are looking to clear the CLAT exam in 2017 then you should opt for Delhi Career Coaching in Chandigarh. This can be your chance to prove the world that you are going to get what you have aimed for and your first and bigger step is choosing Coaching for CLAT Exam in Chandigarh.

Which is the Ace Institute for CDS Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

Nothing can stop you if you have the spark to do the different! At Delhi Career Group we are determined to make your dreams come true. We all know how much hard work a defence examination demands. Without a proper guidance, it is a tough job to crack this exam. So, for all those who are looking for a right start, our coaching center can be the reason for your success. Yes, we are the best CDS coaching institute in Chandigarh, which is setting new milestones of success with its high-end scientific training and quality preparation.

Also Read: Top 7 Competitive Exams You Can Take After Graduation

Being the pioneer in providing the best CDS coaching in Chandigarh, our teaching approach is well balanced, realistic and practical and helps students to upgrade their basic skills. At Delhi Career Group, we train you to become the master of the fundamentals and make you confident to take your own decisions. We use the simplest teaching techniques and believe in imparting quality training sessions. When you will join us you will yourself feel that we don’t complicate things at Aim Achiever. We don’t confuse our candidates with multiple stuff but make them focus on the real issues, which will improve their thought process and will give strength to their character and communication. By enrolling yourself in our CDS coaching in Chandigarh you will not only retain your originality but will witness the real improvement in you.

At Aim Achiever, we work upon your key strengths and prepare you for the interview, making you prominent and noticeable at the selection ground. Our teaching aids are different from others and aim at optimizing your chances of success. This is the reason why we are the best CDS coaching institute in Chandigarh. It is the sincere guidance and motivation of our experienced faculty that makes our every student confident and deserving to be commissioned as an Officer in Indian Armed Forces. We don’t just focus on the exams but pay attention towards your overall personality development also thus, preparing you well from head to toe.

 Still Confused? Here Are Some Reasons Why You Should Join Us!

  • We are a group of highly dedicated and qualified people who have years of experience in this field
  • Our teaching methods are different from others and ensure 80% success rate
  • The system of weekly tests prepare our students thoroughly and keeps full check on their progress
  • The updated course material is another plus of enrolling with us, which will provide you ease of preparation in context to actual papers
  • We train our candidates on time management and make them familiar with the negative marking process
  • Individual attention is our main focus. That is why we prefer small batches
  • Our pocket-friendly fee structure makes us an affordable choice
  • We arrange special problem-solving sessions for the weak students
  • We emphasize on developing speed, conceptual skills, and accuracy in our students
  • As a result of our years of experience, we have developed many tricks and shortcuts to improve the thinking ability of our aspirants
  • Our curriculum not just covers regular classroom sessions but also pay attention towards personality development classes
  • It is our flexible study timings, highly experienced team and quality preparation material that makes us the best CDS coaching center in Chandigarh
  • You won’t find anywhere the enthusiasm, dedication and hard work with which we train our students. And, this is what makes us the best!

To realize your dreams it is important to find the right platform, the one which is capable of honing your skills and shaping your career in the right direction. With Delhi Career Group you will be assured of this all. Our team efforts are always towards the holistic development of students at each level. We make our students more efficient and goal-oriented. So, if you are looking for some good CDS coaching in Chandigarh don’t look further and join hands with our institute. We will combine your hard work with our smart work to offer you a bright and shining career. It’s time to take the right decision as this is what will decide your tomorrow. Just get yourself registered to our coaching center and see the difference yourself.

Also Read:  Which are Best Books for NDA Exam 2017 Prepration



An overview of CDS Written Exam 2017

CDS examination or The Combined Defence Service Examination is yet another exam conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) for the people who aspire to get into the Indian Military Academy, Officers’ Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy as well as Indian Air Force Academy. This exam is conducted twice a year. Hence one can apply for it as per their convenience. The concerned aspirant can also apply for it online. All the details regarding the CDS Exam 2016-17 are available on the official website of UPSC from where the candidate can apply for the exam and get the updated information regarding the CDS Written Exam 2016-17.

Eligibility Criteria for CDS Exam 2016-17

Educational Requirements

Minimum qualification required to take this test is that one must be have a graduation degree from any recognized university or institute. For getting admitted into the Naval Academy one must have a degree of Bachelors in Engineering. For Air Force Academy one must have a degree from affiliated institute or recognized university with physics and mathematics as compulsory subject in 10+2 level or they must possess a degree of Bachelors in Engineering.

Also Read: Which is the Ace Institute for CDS Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

cds exam 2017

Age Requirement for CDS Written Exam 2016-17

There are different age limitations for getting into the various Academies mentioned above likefor Indian Military Academy it is 19-24 years that of Naval Academy is 19-22 years while 19-25 yearsis for Officers’ Training Academy and 19-23 years for Air Force Academy.

Women candidates are also eligible for OTA i.e. Officers Training Academy. Only unmarried graduates are eligible for taking this test.

Examination Details for CDS Written Exam 2016-17

There are two tests which are being conducted by different Academies.

  • The first paper is for the Indian Military Academy or Air Force Academy or the Naval Academy. The first paper is of 300 marks.
  • The second paper which is of 200 marks is for getting admitted into the Officers’ Training Academy. This paper is divided into two sections namely, English and General Knowledge. Each section is of 100 marks summing up to 200 marks.
  • The first paper includes three sections namely, General Knowledge , English and Elementary Mathematics. Each of these sections is of 100 marks amounting to a total of 300 marks.
  • Both the papers are objective in nature. One must have all the concepts clear regarding various aspects in the Mathematical section.
  • General awareness plays an important part in getting a good score in this paper.
  • Hence General Awareness and English are the two prime subjects on which one must concentrate in order to get a good score in these papers and hence clear them and join the desired Academy.


SSB Interview

After clearing the CDS written test, one is eligible for the second round which is the interview. The concerned aspirant is then called for an interview by a Service Selection Board. The SSB i.e. the Service Selection Board has the responsibility for analysing the suitability of the candidate for the concerned career or field of defence service for which he aspires. The second round or the SSB round is not an easy round to get through with.

One must be prepared properly and must have a good level of self-confidence.  In this round, the candidate is tested on various aspects, such as physical and mental health.  This test lasts for a week or so in which he is tested for the above mentioned criteria i.e. physical and mental health. In these test, he undergoes psychological and physical tests which help the Board to decide whether the candidate is fit for becoming an Officer or not. Not just the SSB round, the candidates aspiring for the Air Force Academy is tested for PABT.

After completing these rounds, the candidates undergo medical examination before being admitted to the concerned Academy. After passing the medical examination round, the candidate gets into the armed forces.

Also Read: Which is the Ace Institute for CDS Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

SSB Interview

To conclude, a part of the armed forces is yet a very promising and prestigious task. It is one of the most exciting career options for people from both the gender, i.e. for both men and women. It provides a life full of satisfaction for the people who are interested in serving their country. It gives the officer a life where they can raise their heads in the society with utmost satisfaction and pride. The officers not only get an opportunity to serve their mother land but also lives a life filled with adventure and excitement. Once a person gets into the above mentioned academy, he develops a respectable personality and many values and skills are inculcated in him that makes him a better person and a respectable officer.