Preparation Books for Recommended CLAT Exam 2017

Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is the most esteemed national level LAW Entrance Exam in the country. It is the common mode of entrance that provides a merit-list of candidates to participating NLUs (National Law Universities) to invite applications for admission in their graduate as postgraduate programmes. At present, there are 17 NLUs which participate and hold this exam on rotation basis.

After completing NLUs (National Law University) students can get job at higher posts like; as Judge, as Lawyer, Legal advisor and so on.

Also Read: How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

CLAT has emerged as one of the most opted entrance exam by students passing out from school these days. It is not an easy one to crack, and therefore, many students even take proper CLAT Exam Coaching for it. They even move out of their cities for doing so. In case of other students who want to study at home than, we are going to suggest some preparation books and some magazines.

CLAT Subjects

  1. English
  2. K And Current Affairs
  3. Mathematics
  4. Legal Reasoning

Recommended CLAT Preparation Books 2017

Here is the list of some good books through which students can learn or prepare for the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) Entrance Exam 2017.  You can buy these books easily in stationery shops or you should buy these books online also.

English preparation books

English is not very hard if you own top reading conduct and a robust vocabulary. You englsh1simply want to construct on basics of Grammar. a few subjects need more particular preparation from CLAT point of view. For that, you might refer to;

  • Word Power Made Easy New Revised & Expanded Edition (English)
    1st Edition by Norman Lewis.
  • Objective General English by R.S Aggarwal.

 For general improvement of English students can concentrate on basic books refer as?

  • Comprehensive Book of English Grammar by B.B. Jain

  • Norman Lewis for vocabulary

  • English is easy by Chetnanand Singh

 General Knowledge and Current Affairs

GK is one section that is taken into consideration one of the toughest sections in any of the tests. It is like an ever expanding ocean and one need to be very specific as to what to go through and what not to undergo.

For study of G.K and current affairs than regular reading of newspaper and magazines is the best way to go. Here are some preparation books;

  • Objective general knowledge by Arihant publications
  • Pearson’s concise GK Manual
  • Manorama year book

CLAT books for Mathematics Paparation

If you have no interest in Maths that don’t worry because only 20 question are asked in CLAT exam. Before searching out shortcuts in books, it’s better to first brush up your primary concepts from one good e-book. After you are assured approximately the basics, you may spend time on some shortcuts or smooth to do not forget formulae and techniques to remedy questions in a quicker manner.

  • Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations (English) 17th Edition By R. S. Aggarwal
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations (English) 4th Edition  By R. S. Aggarwal.

 CLAT Book for Legal Reasoning

This section of CLAT usually a threat factor of CLAT exam.For preparation of this section, you can refer to the following books:


  • Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning by A.P. Bhardwaj.
  • Universal’s LLB Entrance Guide.

CLAT previous Papers and sample papers

Students can refer to some previous year papers for the preparation of CLAT exam and with the help they can understand the format of the CLAT exam. Here is list of some sample papers:

  • CLAT Solved and Practice Papers (English) 1st Edition Author: A. P. Bhardwaj.
  • Chapter-wise Objective Question Bank (With Solution) Law (English) Author: Arihnat Expert.
  • CLAT & AILET Chapter – Wise Solved Papers 2010 – 2014 : 4 Model Papers & 1 Online Mock Test 1st Edition.

Also Read: How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

We hope that these book recommendations could be helpful. If you have any better book instead of these to propose or you had a horrific experience with any of those, so let our readers recognize. You can share your stories inside the comments segment.

Which are Best Books For NDA Exam 2017 Prepration

After the release  of NDA Entrance exam 2017 notification  students are searching for good books and other study  material to clear the exam . Now days there are many books published in every year by various authors. But students don’t know which book they prefer for NDA exam studies and which is not. Students have no idea about the books that which is beneficial for NDA exam.  So if you are also in this confusion then no need to worry we are here to guide you about the sequence of different subjects books that will help you in the preparation of NDA exam 2017.

Today we will recommend few subjects books for study at home.  If students follow that books than they will definitely crack the exam.  Here are the important books as mentioned below:

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