IAS Exam Pattern

IAS Entrance Exam the toughest exam amongst all competitive exams is held by UPSC every year. This article will provide the complete detail regarding the exam pattern of IAS exam 2017 and the right scheme to clear the exam.

For IAS Exam there are three stages namely

  • Stage 1: Preliminary Examination
  • Stage 2: Main Examination
  • Stage 3: Personality Test/Interview.

Every year lakhs of aspirants fill the application for IAS exam and only handful of the aspirants are able to get through this exam. As IAS is not everybody’s cup of tea. Right planning and strategy will help clear IAS exam. Many aspirants join coaching institutes to get the input of the exam pattern and the study material as they are not aware of the exam subjects of IAS exam.

Ias puju

IAS Preliminary Exam Pattern-2017

Prelim exam questions are of objective type or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). ‘Negative Marking’ is applicable in the IAS prelims exam for each incorrect answer.  The IAS Prelims is conducted just to screen the aspirants on the basic knowledge.


The Negative Marking of 0.66 i.e. 1/3rd of allotted marks. In CSAT exam which is of qualifying in nature. Candidates need to qualify that exam with minimum of 33 percent to qualify to the next stage of the exam i.e. Civil Services Mains. Both Paper 1 and Paper II are compulsory. Marks of Prelims are not counted in the final examination. Blind candidates are given an extra time of 20 minutes for each paper in the prelims exam.

Exam Pattern for Mains:

IAS exam second stage is called as the Main Exam, which is a written examination and comprises of 9 papers. The 9 papers are as following Paper-A (Compulsory Indian Language); Paper –B (English) are qualifying in nature, while the other papers like Essay, General Studies Paper I, II, III, and IV, and Optional Paper I and II are considered for the final ranking.


Pattern for Personality test/Interview:

The candidate who qualify prelims and mains exam are qualified for the Personality test/ Interview are sent with e-summon by the commission to have face to face discussion.  In this round the members will assess the personality traits of the candidates and questions asked in this round are primarily relates to current affairs, general knowledge, hobbies and situational questions etc.  After 2 weeks of Mains result schedule is out and candidates are called for the interview. The Interviews lasts for around 40 days. Total marks for Interview is 275 marks.

Selection Criteria for IAS exam 

Selection criteria are based on final ranking in Main examination (1750) and in personality test/ interview (275). After the candidate’s meet qualification criteria in Mains and Personality test the verification of the records are done.

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There are many coaching institutes that are preparing the candidates for written exams as well as for the interview also. Coaching institutes provide and teaches the candidate with the best strategy to clear the exam. All the study material are being provided to the candidates by these institutes.

If you are aspiring to become IAS  officer follow the eligibility criteria and be determined for the preparation. No one can stop the way of your success if you are passionate to get the position.

Preparation Books for Recommended CLAT Exam 2017

Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is the most esteemed national level LAW Entrance Exam in the country. It is the common mode of entrance that provides a merit-list of candidates to participating NLUs (National Law Universities) to invite applications for admission in their graduate as postgraduate programmes. At present, there are 17 NLUs which participate and hold this exam on rotation basis.

After completing NLUs (National Law University) students can get job at higher posts like; as Judge, as Lawyer, Legal advisor and so on.

Also Read: How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

CLAT has emerged as one of the most opted entrance exam by students passing out from school these days. It is not an easy one to crack, and therefore, many students even take proper CLAT Exam Coaching for it. They even move out of their cities for doing so. In case of other students who want to study at home than, we are going to suggest some preparation books and some magazines.

CLAT Subjects

  1. English
  2. K And Current Affairs
  3. Mathematics
  4. Legal Reasoning

Recommended CLAT Preparation Books 2017

Here is the list of some good books through which students can learn or prepare for the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) Entrance Exam 2017.  You can buy these books easily in stationery shops or you should buy these books online also.

English preparation books

English is not very hard if you own top reading conduct and a robust vocabulary. You englsh1simply want to construct on basics of Grammar. a few subjects need more particular preparation from CLAT point of view. For that, you might refer to;

  • Word Power Made Easy New Revised & Expanded Edition (English)
    1st Edition by Norman Lewis.
  • Objective General English by R.S Aggarwal.

 For general improvement of English students can concentrate on basic books refer as?

  • Comprehensive Book of English Grammar by B.B. Jain

  • Norman Lewis for vocabulary

  • English is easy by Chetnanand Singh

 General Knowledge and Current Affairs

GK is one section that is taken into consideration one of the toughest sections in any of the tests. It is like an ever expanding ocean and one need to be very specific as to what to go through and what not to undergo.

For study of G.K and current affairs than regular reading of newspaper and magazines is the best way to go. Here are some preparation books;

  • Objective general knowledge by Arihant publications
  • Pearson’s concise GK Manual
  • Manorama year book

CLAT books for Mathematics Paparation

If you have no interest in Maths that don’t worry because only 20 question are asked in CLAT exam. Before searching out shortcuts in books, it’s better to first brush up your primary concepts from one good e-book. After you are assured approximately the basics, you may spend time on some shortcuts or smooth to do not forget formulae and techniques to remedy questions in a quicker manner.

  • Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations (English) 17th Edition By R. S. Aggarwal
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations (English) 4th Edition  By R. S. Aggarwal.

 CLAT Book for Legal Reasoning

This section of CLAT usually a threat factor of CLAT exam.For preparation of this section, you can refer to the following books:


  • Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning by A.P. Bhardwaj.
  • Universal’s LLB Entrance Guide.

CLAT previous Papers and sample papers

Students can refer to some previous year papers for the preparation of CLAT exam and with the help they can understand the format of the CLAT exam. Here is list of some sample papers:

  • CLAT Solved and Practice Papers (English) 1st Edition Author: A. P. Bhardwaj.
  • Chapter-wise Objective Question Bank (With Solution) Law (English) Author: Arihnat Expert.
  • CLAT & AILET Chapter – Wise Solved Papers 2010 – 2014 : 4 Model Papers & 1 Online Mock Test 1st Edition.

Also Read: How to Prepare For CLAT Exam 2017

We hope that these book recommendations could be helpful. If you have any better book instead of these to propose or you had a horrific experience with any of those, so let our readers recognize. You can share your stories inside the comments segment.

Which are Best Books For NDA Exam 2017 Prepration

After the release  of NDA Entrance exam 2017 notification  students are searching for good books and other study  material to clear the exam . Now days there are many books published in every year by various authors. But students don’t know which book they prefer for NDA exam studies and which is not. Students have no idea about the books that which is beneficial for NDA exam.  So if you are also in this confusion then no need to worry we are here to guide you about the sequence of different subjects books that will help you in the preparation of NDA exam 2017.

Today we will recommend few subjects books for study at home.  If students follow that books than they will definitely crack the exam.  Here are the important books as mentioned below:

Also Read: 6 Powerful NDA Entrance Exam Tips 2017 Continue reading

HTET 2017 Exam Notification

Haryana Board has announced HTET 2017 exam Date. Registrations will be started on 16th December 2016. The test will be held in two type mode offline exam and online exam mode. Candidates may choose their choice of type of exam.

Name of the Organization:- Haryana Board of School Education.
Entrance Exam Name:- Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test
Examination process:- HTET 2017 will be held the exam two mode:-
• Online Exam mode
• Offline Exam mode
HTET Application Form 2017 Educational Qualification Marks:-
• For Paper 1:- The candidates should have passed out D.Ed from recognized Board
• For Paper II:- The Candidates should have passed out B.Ed from recognized University.
• for Paper III:- The Candidates should have passed out Post Graduation with B.Ed from recognized university.
HTET Application Form 2017 Important Dates:
• HTET Application Form Submission Started on:-16th December 2016.
• Last Date for HTET Online Form Submission:-27th December 2016.
• Last Date for Payment of application Fee: – 30th December 2016.
• HTET 2017 Admit Card Issue Date:-16th January 2017.
• HTET 2017 Exam Date:- 1st & 2nd February 2017

How to Prepare for HTET Exam

Coaching from good and reputed institute is very beneficial and helpful to crack HTET  exam. Faculties are the pole of any education department/ centre as they deal with all kind of information and create a good learning environment.

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Delhi Career Group is the only institute who provides you the unique HTET coaching classes in Chandigarh and the finest coaching centre which have utmost experienced faculties. We offer you the great platform for the preparation of HTET Exam Coaching in Chandigarh. Classes are well groomed with all ultra- tech and modern facilities.

We have a glorious history since many years. Prior results were recommendable of competitive exams by which many of the students have got success in their life. With their inclination of training, make its the best organization for HTET exam   coaching in Chandigarh. From past year outline, DCG is the top most level preparation institute for their government exams.

Different test arrangements are given by us online & offline test series are provided. For HTET exam coaching Delhi Career Group is the only coaching institute who will satisfy your needs for examination.

Also Read: Career Opportunities in Indian Railway through SCRA Entrance Exam 2017

An overview of CDS Written Exam 2017

CDS examination or The Combined Defence Service Examination is yet another exam conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) for the people who aspire to get into the Indian Military Academy, Officers’ Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy as well as Indian Air Force Academy. This exam is conducted twice a year. Hence one can apply for it as per their convenience. The concerned aspirant can also apply for it online. All the details regarding the CDS Exam 2016-17 are available on the official website of UPSC from where the candidate can apply for the exam and get the updated information regarding the CDS Written Exam 2016-17.

Eligibility Criteria for CDS Exam 2016-17

Educational Requirements

Minimum qualification required to take this test is that one must be have a graduation degree from any recognized university or institute. For getting admitted into the Naval Academy one must have a degree of Bachelors in Engineering. For Air Force Academy one must have a degree from affiliated institute or recognized university with physics and mathematics as compulsory subject in 10+2 level or they must possess a degree of Bachelors in Engineering.

Also Read: Which is the Ace Institute for CDS Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

cds exam 2017

Age Requirement for CDS Written Exam 2016-17

There are different age limitations for getting into the various Academies mentioned above likefor Indian Military Academy it is 19-24 years that of Naval Academy is 19-22 years while 19-25 yearsis for Officers’ Training Academy and 19-23 years for Air Force Academy.

Women candidates are also eligible for OTA i.e. Officers Training Academy. Only unmarried graduates are eligible for taking this test.

Examination Details for CDS Written Exam 2016-17

There are two tests which are being conducted by different Academies.

  • The first paper is for the Indian Military Academy or Air Force Academy or the Naval Academy. The first paper is of 300 marks.
  • The second paper which is of 200 marks is for getting admitted into the Officers’ Training Academy. This paper is divided into two sections namely, English and General Knowledge. Each section is of 100 marks summing up to 200 marks.
  • The first paper includes three sections namely, General Knowledge , English and Elementary Mathematics. Each of these sections is of 100 marks amounting to a total of 300 marks.
  • Both the papers are objective in nature. One must have all the concepts clear regarding various aspects in the Mathematical section.
  • General awareness plays an important part in getting a good score in this paper.
  • Hence General Awareness and English are the two prime subjects on which one must concentrate in order to get a good score in these papers and hence clear them and join the desired Academy.


SSB Interview

After clearing the CDS written test, one is eligible for the second round which is the interview. The concerned aspirant is then called for an interview by a Service Selection Board. The SSB i.e. the Service Selection Board has the responsibility for analysing the suitability of the candidate for the concerned career or field of defence service for which he aspires. The second round or the SSB round is not an easy round to get through with.

One must be prepared properly and must have a good level of self-confidence.  In this round, the candidate is tested on various aspects, such as physical and mental health.  This test lasts for a week or so in which he is tested for the above mentioned criteria i.e. physical and mental health. In these test, he undergoes psychological and physical tests which help the Board to decide whether the candidate is fit for becoming an Officer or not. Not just the SSB round, the candidates aspiring for the Air Force Academy is tested for PABT.

After completing these rounds, the candidates undergo medical examination before being admitted to the concerned Academy. After passing the medical examination round, the candidate gets into the armed forces.

Also Read: Which is the Ace Institute for CDS Exam Coaching in Chandigarh

SSB Interview

To conclude, a part of the armed forces is yet a very promising and prestigious task. It is one of the most exciting career options for people from both the gender, i.e. for both men and women. It provides a life full of satisfaction for the people who are interested in serving their country. It gives the officer a life where they can raise their heads in the society with utmost satisfaction and pride. The officers not only get an opportunity to serve their mother land but also lives a life filled with adventure and excitement. Once a person gets into the above mentioned academy, he develops a respectable personality and many values and skills are inculcated in him that makes him a better person and a respectable officer.