NDA Coaching – Things to Know Before Joining

In case you are looking to become a part of the most prestigious National Defense Academy in India then you need to pass NDA exam with high marks so that you are able to make to the top of merit list and eventually get selected for your desired job. There you require best quality coaching services for your better performance in NDA exam takings. You can opt for coaching and prepare for your test but you need to know few points before you go for the best NDA coaching in Chandigarh and we have brought some of them into the post below. Check them out here:


• Set yourself for your goal and make an evident picture in your mind for syllabus and examination dates.
• Prepare with 10th and 12th class books because NDA exam syllabus is quite similar to the syllabus of these classes. You can go for NCERT books for preparing for NDA exam.
• To cover all subjects that are included in NDA exam, you should make a strategy about how to manage time for preparing every subject.
• Never judge yourself according to the previous year’s exam papers. Try to learn the exam pattern after covering all the subjects thoroughly.
• Practice as many as possible previous year’s exam papers so that you could increase your problem-solving speed and get to know about the pattern of the exam.
• A student should find his/her goals at an early age and should start preparing for them sooner than he/she quantify them.
• Make notes of important points so that you could read them when you start revising.
• Make sure you check your knowledge about various topics with taking self-tests to see where you stand in preparing.
• Try to solve hard questions within a specific period of time so that you could easily take the exam within given time.
• To become fully aware of the current affairs you ought to read newspapers and follow news on television.
• If you encounter some mistakes when you are preparing then try to solve them out at the same moment so that you could avoid them next time.
• Never miss a class on any topic so that you don’t fail in any subject.
• You can go to the websites where you can take online mock tests.
• You can ask your mentors or teachers if you find any problem related to any subject while getting coaching for NDA exam.

These tips can be beneficial for you when you are going to get training for your next exam preparations. You can opt for any coaching center from where you can easily learn about all subjects. Make sure you keep all these points in mind while taking coaching. If you could follow these steps and learn with full enthusiasm and determination then it is sure that you would pass NDA exam with superior grades. You would definitely get your dream job in National Defense Academy as army officer once you clear the exam and training from NDA.

What is the Maximum and Minimum Height and Weight required for Selection in NDA 2017-18?

Candidates dreaming to join NDA must be physically fit for the same. As physical fitness is of prime importance for NDA aspirants as per the guidelines of NDA exam. Every competitive exam has certain requirements same is true for NDA. To join National Defence Academy candidate need not to be only efficient in logical and reasoning skills to clear NDA exam but also meet the physical standards to join NDA. As this is the exam where physical fitness is of utmost importance.

The medical and physical details are given in the notification published by the UPSC .There are various standards for Air force/ Navy and Army which is given below:

Also Read: What to Do after NDA 1 Exam Results If Selected

Height and Weight Standard Requirement



Minimum Acceptable height for men is 157.5 cms for navy and army For female its 153 cms. For Airforce it is 162.5 cms.

Minimum Acceptable Weight is as per BMI that depends on the height and age of the candidate

Other Important Information

  1. a) Candidate must possess good physical and mental health and should be free from any disease/disability which can hinder his performance in performing military duties.

(b) Weight can be considered as normal if change is +10% of average weight as mentioned above.

  1. c) If the candidate clears NDA written exam and has certain defects like overweight/underweight, Piles, Tonsillitis, Deviated Nasal Septum, Under sized Chest etc. then he will be failed to meet the NDA eligibility criteria.
  2. d) There are certain exception for For Gorkhas and individuals belonging to hills of North-Eastern regions of India, Garhwal and Kumaon minimum acceptable height will be 5 cms less than the normal candidate for Lakshadweep acceptable height is reduced by 2 cms.

Other physical requirements for eyesight and chest


Chest should be well maintained and minimum standard for the same is 81 cms (unexpanded) and maximum standard is 85 cms (Expanded). Minimum range of expansion should be 5 cms.

Eye- sight

There should be no defect in eyes of the candidate wishing to join NDA. Perfect eyesight is 6/6 this is the best case and 6/9 is the worst case.

Without glasses

Perfect eye 6/6

Worse Eye 6/9

With Glasses

Perfect eye 6/6

Worse Eye 6/6

Failing to meet the minimum requirement is ineligible for joining NDA.

Spinal Conditions


  1. Candidate need to show the past medical history of diseases or injury of the spine or joints which can become the cause of rejection if reports are not found satisfactory. If in the past the candidate had problems of spinal fracture/ intervertebral disc or any surgical treatment for these conditions then it will entail rejection.

Causes of Rejection in Air force

  1. Granulomatous disease of spine
  2. Arthritidies/spondylosis
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis and allied disorders
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis
  5. Osteoarthrosis, spondylosis and degenerative joint disease
  6. Non articular rheumatism (e.g. lesions of the rotator cuff, tennis elbow, recurrent lumbago etc.)
  7. Miscellaneous disorders including SLE, , polymyositis, vasculitis.
  8. Spondylolisthesis/spondylolysis.
  9. Compression fracture of vertebrae.
  10. Scheuerman’s disease (Adolescent kyphosis)
  11. Loss of cervical lordosis when associated with clinically restricted movements of cervical spine.
  12. Unilateral/Bilateral cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or circulatory deficit.
  13. Scoliosis more than 15 degree as measured by Cobb’s method.
  14. Degenerative Disc. Disease.
  15. Presence of schmorl’s nodes at more than one level etc.

Also Read: What to Do after NDA 1 Exam Results If Selected

Any other abnormality if so considered by the specialist. Any Laser Surgery for correction of refractive error is also not acceptable in defence services.

Which are Best Books For NDA Exam 2017 Prepration

After the release  of NDA Entrance exam 2017 notification  students are searching for good books and other study  material to clear the exam . Now days there are many books published in every year by various authors. But students don’t know which book they prefer for NDA exam studies and which is not. Students have no idea about the books that which is beneficial for NDA exam.  So if you are also in this confusion then no need to worry we are here to guide you about the sequence of different subjects books that will help you in the preparation of NDA exam 2017.

Today we will recommend few subjects books for study at home.  If students follow that books than they will definitely crack the exam.  Here are the important books as mentioned below:

Also Read: 6 Powerful NDA Entrance Exam Tips 2017 Continue reading

Some Tips to Stay Fit for NDA Exam and Interview?

Are you looking to join defence services? Do you think you can’t join defence forces because of your health ? Are you looking for the tips for NDA preparation?  If yes, then read the article to know the tips and tricks to prepare for NDA exam. In this article we will give you the smart tips which will help you clear the NDA exam. Continue reading